Sunday, April 5, 2009

Danger! Continued. New fish tanks.

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Danger! Completely new fish tanks. 2

Brand new fish tanks lack the bacteria needed to break down any toxins produced by the waste products of your fish. Time is needed for these bacteria to grow.

The time that it takes for the bacteria to grow is what is called ‘cycling the tank’.

The waste products that enter the water from your fish produce ‘ammonia’, which is very toxic to your fish. When more ‘ammonia’ enters the water then some bacteria begins to grow in the tank.

This bacterium begins to eat the ‘ammonia’ and the ‘ammonia’ levels will then drop.

The ‘ammonia’ eating bacteria also produce their own waste products which puts ‘nitrite’ into the water, and this is also very toxic to your new fish.

When these ‘nitrites’ start to increase you get another bacteria growing. The new bacterium then eats the ‘nitrites’ and this causes the ‘nitrites’ to drop.

These ‘nitrite’ eating bacteria also produce their own waste products which give off ‘nitrates’.

The ‘nitrates’ are not as toxic to your Betta fish/ Siamese fighting fish, African Dwarf Frog or your Cory Catfish, but, you should not let them build up in your tank.You have to do regular partial water changes to keep them low.

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